20/12/2024 - How to protect your home this winter | Carver Group - News & Insight
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How to protect your home this winter

20/12/2024 Residential Residential Sales Residential Lettings
How to protect your home this winter

Whether your property is vacant while on the market, or just over the festive period here's some tips to protect your home during the colder months

We would advise if your property is currently vacant or is due to be vacant (particularly during the festive season), that the heating system is left operational, or alternatively the water and central heating systems should be professionally drained.

When leaving the central heating system operational you should ensure that the heating thermostats are set, at the very least at a medium temperature, and that time clocks are set for a significant length of time.  Please also ensure that all the radiators in the property are turned on.

We would kindly request that you give this matter your attention in order to potentially prevent water in the pipework freezing which could cause severe damage.


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